• QtEjdb QML Framework
  • QtEjdb QML Framework

    QtEjdb Plugin provide an interface to work with an ejdb service.

    With the plugin you can manage json in an ejdb data store.

    import QtQuick 2.0
    import QtEjdb 1.0
    Rectangle {
        QEjdbClient {
            id: client
            uri: 'file:test_db'
        function saveBson() {
            var json = client.save('person', {name: 'Edgar Marx', age: 5})
            var edgar = client.load('person', json._id)

    QtEjdb provides these QML types:


    Manages a json array property in an itemmodel to use with views. Part of QtEjdb Qml Plugin


    Manages a collection in an itemmodel to use with views. Part of QtEjdb Qml Plugin


    Client interface to access ejdb service